Maasai Rees-Tabari



Troubled Minds

Art and artists have the power to expose the issues society may choose to ignore. The increasing plague of mental illness must be seriously tackled by a dedicated  sensitive community. Artists must be willing to embrace issues the greater society may shy away from.

Having NO STIGMA, social support and reliable adequate state, government and community resources, we help this population to thrive not just barely survive.



H E   U T U R E

The Artist Studio Cafe (Mental Health Advocacy and Education Project) hopes to become a Retail Cafe Gallery and design studio space. The cafe' purpose and theme is dedicated to generating funds for mental health information, conversation, advocacy and strengthening community awareness, and support initiatives; to encourage more community involvement, within an artistic and cultural environment guaranteeing a constant educated voice for the mentally disordered, a very vulnerable population that needs consistent support, understanding and empathy.